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Version: 0.7.1

Creating a K3s Kubernetes Cluster

This how-to was written using the following versions:

Get K3s Kubernetes Clusterโ€‹

Install K3sโ€‹

Follow the instructions to install K3s on your system.

The K3s versions used in this how-to are the ones mentioned just above, with all the options set by default.

Install Epinio on the Clusterโ€‹

Export the k3s cluster configration first:

export KUBECONFIG=/etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml

Follow "magic" DNS setup to install Epinio in your test environment.

<IP> can be found by running:

$ kubectl get svc -n kube-system traefik -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0]}"

Then, continue with the Epinio installation process.


DNS Issuesโ€‹

In case of trouble with DNS resolution, for example if you have something like this in your logs:

dial tcp: lookup on no such host

You can try to install K3s with one known-to-work DNS server:

curl -sfL | K3S_RESOLV_CONF=/etc/my-good-resolv.conf sh -

With /etc/my-good-resolv.conf containing:


This kind of issue could happen for example when you have multiple DNS servers and some of them are not able to resolve some domain names.


In case of trouble with Epinio's Traefik component or Ingress controllers, the Traefik section in the Advanced Topics document shall be your friend.